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Published routes: 95
Road: 23
Followers: 0

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Fco_Javier_García_De_Diego dicit:

Fco_Javier_García_De_Diego has not yet introduced him/herself

His pictures and videos

Sujida al veleta nevado (BTT) 2019-09-14

Tirada el Bosque / El Boyar (BTT) 2019-09-08

Portil, El (Huelva) (BTT) 2019-09-04

Umbrete (Sevilla) (Carretera) 2019-09-01

Tirada en ayunas 19,3 km (Carretera) 2019-09-01

Aznalcollar (Sevilla) (BTT) 2019-09-01

Portil, El (Huelva) (Carretera) 2019-07-15

Portil, El (Huelva) (BTT) 2019-06-24

Tirada aznalcollar cxm 1000+ (RNG) 2019-04-30

Marbella (Málaga) (RNG) 2019-02-12

V trail el bosque (RNG) 2018-12-15

Trail 30 k 1000+ (RNG) 2018-12-08

Portil, El (Huelva) (RNG) 2018-11-25

CaCo 2 horas (RNG) 2018-10-21

Caco 30 km (RNG) 2018-10-14

Entreno V trail ciudad de Valverde (RNG) 2018-09-24

Monclova Desert (Carretera) 2018-09-16

Huevar De Aljarafe (Sevilla) (RNG) 2018-09-10

Camas (Sevilla) (RNG) 2018-08-27

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