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Published routes: 142
Road: 142
Followers: 0

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His pictures and videos

04AGO2019 (Carretera) 2019-08-05

14JUL2019 (Carretera) 2019-07-15

06JUL2019 (Carretera) 2019-07-09

30JUN2019 (Carretera) 2019-07-03

28JUN2019 (Carretera) 2019-06-30

23JUN2019 (Carretera) 2019-06-24

02JUN2019 (Carretera) 2019-06-03

04MAY2019 (Carretera) 2019-05-05

24MAR2019 (Carretera) 2019-03-26

17MAR2019 (Carretera) 2019-03-18

21FEB2019 (Carretera) 2019-02-22

03FEB2019 (Carretera) 2019-02-03

Primera salida del aņo!! (Carretera) 2019-01-02

Rubi (Barcelona) (Carretera) 2018-12-25

Rubi (Barcelona) (Carretera) 2018-11-25

La Maladona (Carretera) 2018-10-16

Castefa-St. Cugat-Terrassa (Carretera) 2018-10-07

La Rapita (Carretera) 2018-09-24

Les Botigues-Fontpineda (Carretera) 2018-09-24

Castefa (Carretera) 2018-09-18

Guardiola FontRubi-La Rapita (Carretera) 2018-09-18

Moreno 112 (Recovery bici) (Carretera) 2018-09-12

Hostalric (Carretera) 2018-09-12

Rubi (Barcelona) (Carretera) 2018-09-04

Guardiola de Font Rubi (Carretera) 2018-08-16

San Pau del Ordal (Carretera) 2018-08-12

Garraf (Carretera) 2018-08-07

La Bimbo (Carretera) 2018-08-05

Can Petit - Playa (Carretera) 2018-07-29

Casteldefels (Carretera) 2018-07-29

Moreno 112 (Carretera) 2018-07-28

Les Botigues de Sitges (Carretera) 2018-07-21

Visited history

Marked routes for review later or compare

My favorites