Est. esqui Masella-Tuixent. Comarca Cerdaña. Girona. Catalunya. 2014-08-06. TransPirenaica

Ref..: 21895
Published: 29/03/2015
Performed: 06/08/2014
Distance in Km: 64.22
Climb in m: 1826
IBP: 132 BYC

Varios dias

This route belongs to a multi-day journey 15 days documented with 17 independent routes

You can download the tracks of this multi-day route from each of the associated stages .
 Day or stage  One day stage  Distance  Climb in  IBP
 Day 1  21892 Llança-Albanya. Comarca Alto Ampurdan. Girona. Catalunya. 2014-08-03. TransPirenaica  64 Km  1606 m  114
 Day 2  21893 Albanya-Llanars. Comarca Alto Ampurdan. Girona. Catalunya. 2014-08-04. TransPirenaica  67 Km  2227 m  158
 Day 3  21894 Llanars-Est. Esqui Masella. Comarca del Ripolles. Girona. Catalunya. 2014-08-05. TransPirenaica  61 Km  2400 m  178
 Day 4  21895 Est. esqui Masella-Tuixent. Comarca Cerdaña. Girona. Catalunya. 2014-08-06. TransPirenaica (This)  64 Km  1824 m  131
 Day 5  21896 Tuixent-Llavorsi. Comarca Alt Urgell. Lleida. Catalunya. 2014-08-07. TransPirenaica  86 Km  2043 m  133
 Day 6  21897 Llavorsi-Torre de Cabdella.Comarca Pallars Sobira. Lleida. Catalunya. 2014-08-08. TransPirenaica  62 Km  1812 m  117
 Day 7  21898 Torre de Cabdella-San Martin de Veri. C. Pallars Jussa. Lleida. Catalunya.2014-08-09.TransPirenaica  73 Km  2452 m  166
 Day 8  21899 San Martin de Veri-Nerin. Comarca Ribagorza. Huesca. Aragon. 2014-08-10. TransPirenaica  76 Km  2230 m  155
 Day 9  21900 Nerin-Fiscal. Comarca Sobrarbe. Huesca. Aragon. 2014.08.11. TransPirenaica  49 Km  1152 m  68
 Day 10  21901 Fiscal-Senegüe. Comarca Sobrarbe. Huesca. Aragon. 2014-08-12. TransPirenaica  49 Km  1312 m  84
 Day 11  21902 Senegüe-Hecho. Comarca Alto Gallego. Huesca. Aragon. 2014.08.13. TransPirenaica  72 Km  2026 m  149
 Day 12  21903 Hecho-Isaba. Comarca La Jacetania. Huesca. Aragon. 2014-08-14. TransPirenaica  39 Km  1057 m  75
 Day 13  21905 Isaba-Roncesvalles. Comarca Roncal-Salazar. Sangüesa. Navarra. 2014-08-15. TransPirenaica  73 Km  1683 m  108
 Day 14  21906 Roncesvalles-Etxalar. Comarca Auñamendi. Sangüesa. Navarra. 2014-08-16. TransPirenaica  68 Km  1773 m  152
 Day 15  21908 Etxalar-Hondarribia. Comarca Cinco Villas. Pamplona. Navarra. 2014-08-17. TransPirenaica  43 Km  1145 m  113
 Optional  21910 Hondarribia-Irun. Comarca Bajo Bidasoa. Gipuzkoa. Pais Vasco. 2014-08-17.  6 Km  31 m  4
 Optional  21911 Irun-Aeropuerto de Fuenterrabia. Comarca Bajo Bidasoa. Gipuzkoa. Pais Vasco. 2014-08-18  2 Km  0 m  2
 Total 15 days  946 Km  26742 m  127 / día

 Height in m      Climb in %      Speed in Km/h      Speed < 2 Km/h

Climbs > 20%

Climbs >5% Climbs >10% Climbs >15% Climbs >20% Climbs >25%

No signaficative slopes with this filters > 20%

Description of the route

Presence of ramps

 Climbs  Distance  % of the total  Speed  Your speed would be  Time  Your time would be
   15 - 30%  1.286  2  3.21  ?  0:24:00  ?
   10 - 15%  4.15  6.46  4.44  ?  0:56:06  ?
   5 - 10%  10.712  16.68  5.9  ?  1:48:56  ?
   1 - 5%  10.028  15.62  7.68  ?  1:18:23  ?
   Total*  26.176 Km  40.76 %  5.87 Km/h  ? Km/h    4:27:25 h  ? h  
   1 - -1%  3.273 Km  5.1 %  14.32 Km/h  ? Km/h    0:13:43 h  ? h  
   -1 - -5%  12.598  19.62  25.98  ?  0:29:06  ?
   -5 - -10%  18.019  28.06  31.81  ?  0:33:59  ?
   -10 - -15%  3.188  4.96  22.24  ?  0:08:36  ?
   -15 - -30%  0.963  1.5  12.6  ?  0:04:35  ?
   Total*  34.768 Km  54.14 %  27.35 Km/h  ? Km/h    1:16:16 h  ? h  
* The total has not necessarily coincide with the sum of the partials after correction of errors

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BTT en Valencia to cover this route you've need a time of:   5:57:24 h 
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¿Cuanto consumirá tu E-BIKE?

Entra tu E-IBP (formato n,nn)

E-IBP :   X 132 = 

 Detected activity type =  ()
 Penalization due to track conditions: 63 %   ( > 50 % = MTB, < 50 % = RDB)
 Reliability of the track: A   (1827/84/0/-/-/84)
 Correction level applied to the track: 0
IBP = 132 BYC
According to your statistics
 Your time in motion would be: ? h
Your average speed would be: ? Km/h

 Total Distance: 64.22 Km
 Analysed distance: 64.22 Km
 Linear distance: 30.81 Km

 Cumulated positive ramps: 1825.59 m  list of points info
 Cumulated negative ramps: 2240.06 m
 Maximum height: 2107.35 m
 Minimum height: 797.55 m
 Climbing Ratio: 6.97 %
 Descent ratio: 6.44 %
 Cumulated postive ramps per Km: 28.43 m
 Cumulated negative ramps per Km: 34.88 m

 Total time: 10:01:19 h
 Time in movement: 5:57:24 h
 According to your statistics
 Your time in motion would be: ? h  
 Stopped time: 4:03:55 h
 Maximum slope filter: ~30 %
 Minimum separation analysed: ~30 m
 Number of points: 3549   (cad. 18.09 m)
 Significant waypoints: 1503   (cad. 42.73 m / 42.35 %)

 Changes in direction per Km: 9.84
 Changes in direction > 5º por Km: 7.88
 Cumulated straight stretches: 7.774 Km
 Straight stretches per Km: 121.05 m
 Penalized slope changes: 10
 Penalized slope changes per Km: 0.156

 Average speed in total: 6.41 Km/h
 Average speed while moving: 10.78 Km/h
 According to your statistics
 Your average speed would be: ? Km/h  
 Maximum sustained speed: 67.14 Km/h


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